Portfolio website

ICT & Software Engineer specialized in Cyber Security

First of all

About Me

I am a highly skilled ICT & Software Engineer with expertise in Cyber Security. With experience in the field, I have successfully completed numerous projects and gained valuable knowledge during my journey at Fontys University of Applied Science. Explore my portfolio to learn more about my work.

person holding pencil near laptop computer
person holding pencil near laptop computer

Not to mention

Skills & Expertise

Explore my skills and expertise in the field of ICT & Software Engineering, Cyber Security, and more. Discover the technologies I have mastered throughout my career in the About page.

person using MacBook Pro
person using MacBook Pro

And let's not forget

Work Experience

Take a glimpse into my professional journey and discover the valuable experience I have gained over the years. Explore the projects I have worked on and the organizations I have collaborated with.

About Me

My name is Dimitar Lalev, a dedicated professional with a strong background in ICT & Software Engineering and Cyber Security. With years of experience, I have honed my skills and expertise in various domains of the industry.

Bachelor of ICT & Software Engineering

Specialized in Cyber Security

Contact Me