Interesting gadgets I have used

This page is showing some of the interesting gadgets I have used during my journey at Fontys University of Applied Science and different internships.

Raspberry Pico

Raspberry Pico was used to create a rubber ducky and execute different payloads on systems.

Crazy Radio

Crazy Radio was used to intercept the connection between a wireless mouse and a system. The so-called mousejack.


Used for different projects like Vaults etc. in Embedded Systems semester.

Alfa Network AWUS036ACH

From concept to completion, our architecture services use the latest technology and techniques to deliver exceptional results.

Lock picking set

Lock picking is the practice of unlocking a lock by manipulating the components of the lock device without the original key. Used as personal projects.

Flipper Zero

Flipper zero was used as personal project rented from the ISSD at Fontys. The tool is too expensive to add to my personal collection so far.